Peter is not having a happy Thanksgiving at all!
On Family Guy Season 14 Episode 6, his long-lost sister, Karen, visits, steals his traditions, and basically makes his life miserable.
Peter is not the most sympathetic character, but it's hard not to feel sorry for him after everything his sister does on what's supposed to be a warm and fuzzy day.
But how can you not smile when someone farts in Peter's face? And how about Meg finally becoming the hero?! Now that was warm and fuzzy!
Like Family Guy Season 14 Episode 5, there was no obvious subplot. It was all about Peter and we've been learning a lot about him lately. He has a sister his kids don't even know about. When she writes a letter to tell him she'll be visiting for Thanksgiving, he is not thrilled about it at all.
Lois wants her to visit and he concedes. Chris and Meg are thrilled to meet their aunt and everyone else seems to like her too, especially when she starts doing mean stuff to farting in his face.
Yes, it's funny. But it also points out the problem of people standing by and doing nothing when they see someone being bullied.
Peter's own friends and family laugh at every mean thing Karen does to Peter, including calling him "chin nuts" to punching him in the nuts. She tells embarrassing stories about him as a child and everyone wants to hear more. They allow her to steal his traditions like cutting the turkey and telling his turkey jokes and don't think anything about it.
It's not until Karen causes her brother to pee his pants that they finally realize that maybe it's not all that funny after all.
The person who most empathizes with Peter is Meg who realizes that Karen is the reason Peter has been so mean to her over the years. It was refreshing to see Peter realize this as well, but really, this is Peter, how long will it last? The cutaway montage of Peter's meanness towards Meg to the tune of Kool & the Gang's "Celebrate" was definitely one of the highlights of the episode.
Of course, while Meg wants him to stand up to Karen by talking, Peter has a better, more Peter-like idea: fight her in the wrestling ring. His sister is a famous wrestler known as "Heavy Flow." Her famous move is the 'Toxic Shock." Funny, no?
And what better way to beat "Heavy Flow" than by becoming the wrestler, "Maxi Patty." It was ridiculously funny (and clever like Lois said). I really enjoyed the whole menstruation not-so-obvious subplot as a way to balance the seriousness of the bullying main plot. There really is something clever about that, isn't there?
Quagmire and the rest of the guys work to help Peter prepare to defeat his sister. I love how they all had a part to play. A way for them to redeem themselves for taking part in Karen's bullying. Hypnotism, Steven Segal, and painkillers (Cleveland's stereotype jokes continue). What great friends Peter has. And was that a little bit of fat shaming going on with Steven Segal? Yes, I smiled at that too.
Peter is ready, gets to the ring, and challenges Karen. Karen thinks "Maxi Patty" is just some kook from the crowd and invites her into the ring. She was planning on beating her to a pulp anyway, but once she realizes it's Peter, she really wants to go at it.
It looks like Peter is done for. He even hands the show over to Stewie, but Meg shows up as "Teen Laquifa" and hits Karen with a chair knocking her out. Meg beats the bully and wins! It was a great moment to see Meg become the hero and save her dad and it was heartwarming to see Peter finally show some appreciation for Meg. I think Peter may be on his way to becoming Father of the Year. It's funny how that tide is turning.
"Peter's Sister" was the best episode of the season so far. I found myself smiling more often than not. There were a few laugh out loud moments and the cutaways were great as well.
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