On Family Guy Season 13 Episode 8, Stewie tires to save Brian from a brain tumor, but maybe Brian's better off down at Peter's level. They did have a great montage together.
Tonight's started off as a Meg-centered installment, and I could already feel myself getting bored post-credits.
However, one of the best moments came right near end of the first act, when a random towns person made an astute comment.
Oh thank god Brian's getting a book published. I thought this was going to be a Meg episode.
That was almost exactly what I was thinking – not that a Meg-centric episode would've been bad, but a Brian-centric one is usually more likely to deliver. Not to mention that this ended up being more about Brian and Stewie. Jackpot!
The running gag of completely clowning on Meg reached new heights on "Our Idiot Brian," when Brian was able to pass of as Meg by just wearing glasses and a pinkish/purple beanie to school. Brian even got to piss on the lockers to mark his territory, because apparently that's the kind of girl Megan is on a daily basis: poor Meg.
Mila Kunis does a great job at being the punch-line punching bag for this show.
Stewie's quips during Meg's attempt at sweet talking Brian into taking the test for her were also hilarious.
That's page one, she's quoting page one.
- Permalink: That's page one, she's quoting page one.
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And the little guy just kept the funny coming.
She hasn't read your book Bri - that's your main character.
- Permalink: She hasn't read your book Bri - that's your main character.
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Short gags such as this one are always rewarding, and often times more memorable than the more tangential ones. For example, this joke was followed by the one about the British police, and, despite being written well enough, it wasn't as entertaining.
The Peter-ification of Brian wasn't exactly pretty, but it was full of comedy. And Peter and Brian seemed like they became pretty good friends, to be honest:
Brian: Bazinga!
Peter: Haha, like what the guy scientist says. Brian, say something else from TV!
Brian: Watchu talkin bout Willis!?
- Permalink: Watchu talkin bout Willis!?
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However, Stewie couldn't put up with Brian's increasing stupidity. He can't put up with his "superficial quasi knowledge" either, but he'd definitely rather have his old friend back, with all his flaws.
When Stewie finally comes up with a solution, it's actually a lot simpler than he imagines. The streak continues its self-referential one liners this week, with:
Stewie: I've been approaching this far too intelligently. He's an idiot, so this shouldn't be hard at all! Hey Brian, you want to go see Doctor Hartman and get that procedure where you get two weiners?
Brian: Whoa, hell yeah! That way when I watch Black Swan, I can aim one at that Natalie Portman, and aim the other one at -
Stewie: Yes, yes, yes, we all know who the other one was.
- Permalink: Yes, yes, yes, we all know who the other one was
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Although the idea of Stewie rescuing the old Brian from the brain tumor seems genuine and heartfelt, you can't help but agree with part of Brian's final assessment:
Brian: I mean I was having fun, making new friends, getting laid all the time, sleeping like a rock - but you made the call. You unilaterally decided I was better off a bitter alcoholic failure who could only hang out with a baby.
Stewie: Hey! We have fun.
- Permalink: Hey! We have fun.
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Stewie's "hey, we have fun," definitely cracked me up though.
With a handful of one-off jokes that hit very well, and an engaging premise (made even better by switching out Meg for Brian as the protagonist), "Our Idiot Brian" was an entertaining half-hour.
Watch Family Guy online to see the fall of Brian all over again, and hit up our Family Guy quotes page to catch some more one-liners (including the various TV references pointed out by Peter and made by "brain tumor Brian").
NOTE: Family Guy Season 13 Episode 9 will be titled "This Little Piggy" and air on January 25.